RB 42/2018: Notification of exceeding the 5% threshold of total voting rights at the Company

RB 42/2018    
Date: 2018-05-23
Subject: Notification of exceeding the 5% threshold of total voting rights at the Company
Legal basis: Art. 70.1 of the Public Offering Act

Text of the Report:
The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. of Warsaw (the “Company”) announces that on 22 May 2018 the Company received from Invesco (UK) Ltd., acting on behalf of Invesco Canada Ltd. and Invesco Advisers, Inc. (jointly referred to as “Invesco”), both controlled by Invesco (UK) Ltd., a notification to the effect that Invesco have jointly exceeded the threshold of 5% of total voting rights at the Company.
According to the notification, the 5% threshold of total voting rights at the Company was exceeded following the acquisition of shares in the Company made on 15 May 2018 and settled on 17 May 2018.
The notification indicates that Invesco hold 147,496 Company shares, representing 5.51% of the Company’s share capital and 147,496 voting rights at its General Meeting (i.e. 5.51% of the total vote).
The received notification is attached to this report as an appendix.



First name and surname


23 May 2018

Izabela Walczewska-Schneyder

Member of the Management Board

23 May 2018

Emilia Rogalewicz

Member of the Management Board