We engage our users in helping!

Dobry MultiUczynek is our internal programme under which employees submit their volunteering and philanthropic projects. We choose the best ones, and the company donates funds for their implementation. We mainly help children and young people in difficult life situations, people with disabilities, seniors and the homeless. We also support initiatives connected with the environment and projects dedicated to animals. So far, we have run 5 editions of the programme, implementing nearly 100 projects for a total amount of over PLN 1.1 million. More information about our employees’ social engagement can be found in the Dobry MultiUczynek folder.

In 2018, using the experience from Dobry MultiUczynek for our employees, we created an external project with MultiSport card Users in mind. The launch of the programme carried similar ideas – supporting those in greatest need and volunteering. The purpose of the external Dobry MultiUczynek programme is to encourage our users to act in aid of local communities with the financial support of Benefit Systems.

The first edition of the programme took place in September 2018. Each user who had our employee-type sports card could submit his or her volunteering or philanthropic project. Since sport and physical activity are very close to us, we supported initiatives related to these aspects. From among the received projects, we chose 10, which we put to the Internet users’ vote. Benefit Systems provided financial support amounting to maximum PLN 30,000 for each of the six projects with the largest number of votes! A summary of the implemented initiatives can be found HERE.

The second edition of the Dobry MultiUczynek programme for our users in a new formula took place during the summer holidays in 2019 as part of the MultiSport Summer Game. It was aimed at supporting specific foundations, associations, and non-governmental organisations by activating our users. The MultiSport Summer Game, which we organise every year during the holiday season for MultiSport cards holders, consists in collecting points for various activities and converting them into prizes. These points can also be donated to charity events – after collecting the required number of points, Benefit Systems provides financial support for the specific event.



In 2019, by donating their points, our users supportedas many as six initiatives for children, the elderly and animals. The game was attended by 130,000 people who played with us for a noble purpose for two months. Thanks to the points awarded, each of the six projects received financial support from Benefit Systems. A summary of the implemented initiatives can be found HERE.

In 2020, we will once again encourage our users to donate points to support charity actions as part of the MultiSport Summer Game.